
Showing posts with the label kutki

Dr Khadar on diabetes - hindi dub

 Hi everyone  Hope everyone is doing well. Today I am going to share an hindi dub video dubbed by me from Kannada to hindi , so that more people can benefit from the knowledge of Dr. khadar and how they can lead a healthy life. Watch and stay healthy

Siridhanya - Little millet

 Little millet / African millet is also know as Kutki in hindi and Saame in Kannada.  It's a great millet option for all the fitness enthusiast , these millets are creamish white in colour and sweeter in taste, It helps to overcome the problems of ovaries, sperm,  PCOD and infertility basically it helps to cure reproductive system for both males and females. Let hear what Dr khadar has to say about little millet and its benefits  Stay healthy Eat healthy